By default the controller utilizes port 80 for web access(e.g. Open up your web browser and navigate to your controller’s address. When dealing with any wireless router with WPS, I highly recommend that you disable this particular feature as it’s most likely turned on by default in the router settings. The UniFi series of access points does not support this function due to a major security flaw that allows anyone to gain access to a router with relative ease, therefore bypassing any form of password protection employed on the device. WPS allows for a wireless router to easily connect multiple devices without having to enter an WiFi password. Ubiquiti UniFi products and WPS(Wi-Fi Protected Setup) compatibility Before we go on ahead, there are a few things that you need to know about the UniFi Controller.
The abundance of configuration options available will help give us more flexibility and security to our WiFi network than ever before. Of course that’s just barely scratching the surface. In my previous guide, we have gone and bought a Ubiquiti Unifi AP-AC Lite and installed it to our network via the UniFi Controller.